Adaptation program, training and practice

Employees’ adaptation on the workplace

In order to attract the attention of young people to work in the enterprise, «Regulation on the organization of work with young specialists and students of higher educational institutions» is valid. According to this regulation young specialists (under 30), having no work experience on specialization, specified in the diploma, or less than 2 years of experience, go through a period of adaptation on the workplace.

They got an individual production job and personal incentive bonus for its implementation. To accelerate the study of the work specifics, provide methodological assistance in the process of implementing individual production jobs and master practical skills young specialists appointed by the internship supervisors from among the experienced specialists of the company.

Students practice

The concern assists in the student of educational institutions training. Contracts about the students passing practice in the departments of the company have been signed with relevant higher education institutions. Employment in the available jobs is offered on the recommendation of heads of departments for students who successfully passed the enterprise practice.

Employer-sponsored education

In accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from 05 March 2015 № 192 «On the state plan for training of personnel with secondary vocational and higher education for the military-industrial complex for 2016–2020» the company annually sends to the Universities of St. Petersburg to accept the target (on a competitive basis) citizens who have concluded the contract on target training, for training of skilled personnel required for the company specialties. After education completion and receiving a diploma of higher professional education enterprise concludes an employment contract with employer-sponsored students, takes him to a position commensurate with the level and profile of professional education.